our services

We are specialists in transcription and multilingual content processing. Talk to us today to find out how we can help you.


English & Multilingual Transcription


English captions for English video content.


Turnkey subtitle support for multilingual video content.


Creating professionally typed documents


Accuracy Rate


Client Saving Per Project


Multilingual Audio



audio & video transcription

TranscriptionLab provides professional transcription service

Transcription of audio and video content has never been easier. With the help of TranscriptionLab team of professional transcribers, you can get your audivisual files transcribed in as little as 24 hours by uploading your files directly through our website, via email or simply sending us a link to your audio file.

Our team of professional project managers analyze the source files, prepare them for transcription with your specific requirements and send to the selected transcriber for producing a professional, time-coded and print-ready transcript. The project manager then confirms that the whole audio or video file has been transcribed, the transcript meets your requirements and submits a final and clean version to you via email. It is that simple.

We don’t have any setup fees, additional fees for inserting time-codes or for verbatim transcription. With us you get the full transcription package for a low cost. The quality of our product is 100% guaranteed and every transcript comes with full support warranty. We are here to fix any issues you may have and gladly refund your money if you are not 100% satisfied after the support options have been presented.

We transcribe almost any type of content, including but not limited to, recordings of presentations, meetings, conferences, shareholder calls, video calls, wiretaps, telephone calls, focus groups, insurance claim statements, pod casts, or any other type of content that needs to be textually presented. We offer multilingual and English only transcription service at excellent prices, send us your order now!


Learn what our clients have to say


TranscriptionLab has built an impressive infrastructure for delivering highly accurate close caption products on time and at a competitive price. Each video footage is carefully, and manually, transcribed by our professional team of transcribers. Besides capturing the speech in its entirety on the video, we also capture all the other details in the video that may not be verbal. Every caption file is fully aligned with the scene timing and tested to ensure proper display and visibility on screen.

Our captioning services meet the requirements of Canada’s AODA, WCAG and Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of United States. We believe that full accessibility across all media landscapes should be a priority in order to serve people with disabilities.

Getting started with our captioning service is easy and straightforward, all you need to do is send us the video file by uploading through our site, our FTP server, or sharing a link to your video online. We support all file formats and video encodings, thanks to our suite of video editing software.  It takes minutes to send us your file and for our team to get started. After receiving your order, our project managers will assign the file(s) to relevant transcribers, who will then create the required captioning text. All our services are human generated and we do not use machine generated captions.

When finished, you will receive a final publish-ready caption file that you can integrate on your online video on platforms such as YouTube or Vimeo, or in your video editing software. We support all caption file formats.

We offer full warranty for our products and if you are not happy with any aspect of the captioning, our customer service team is there to do everything possible in order to satisfy your requirements. Regardless of your requirements, you can always be sure that you will receive the best price in our industry, great service, fast response and quality that will keep you coming back to us. Feel free to get in touch with us about your captioning requirements.

Supporting Your Industry and Business Vertical

Your industry and market is unique and specialized. You have a special lingo,
vocabulary and style of communication. We understand your type of work and culture,
and offer turnkey solutions at competitive prices to meet your every need.

Academia & eLearning       Law-Enforcement      Legal Firms       Film & TV        Media & Documentaries       Insurance       Conferences


Reliable Subtitling

Reliable Subtitling

Innovative linguistic platform for generating accurately timecoded subtitles in all formats.

When foreign videos are presented without voiceover, subtitle has been a long trusted mechanism for ensuring the audiences understand the speech on video. TranscriptionLab provides a platform for getting foreign video subtitles created and applied within a short period of time, often less than 24 hours. We use final caption files and create the translated subtitles in conjunction with your video. We support 61 languages, both common and rare dialects. Our subtitle products meet regulatory requirements.

We support almost all file formats and layouts. This means we will provided translated subtitle files that will be ready for inserting into your video file and which will display the correct foreign language subtitle on the first run, most of the time. Additionally, our team of linguists and video professionals will continue to support you after we have delivered the final files to make any necessary adjustments.

Our subtitle products are suitable for online videos, eLearning content, commercials, documentaries and almost any kind of video material. Use our subtitle for preparing your content for broadcast and online media distribution. You will find it easy, fast and you can’t beat the prices we offer.


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