Transcription Service


We offer an intelligent and smart solution for creating transcripts from audio and video sources. Regardless of the type  of content or format of the file, we can process large volumes of audiovisual content and deliver accurate, time-coded and ready-to-use transcripts that meet your requirements each and every time.

  1. Every project is carefully evaluated and assessed, then quoted and committed to with the customer
  2. A dedicated project manager assigns qualified resources, deadlines and budget for the project
  3. The transcriber performs the transcription by following a proprietary system to generate transcripts for up to 3 hours per day
  4. A reviewer matches the transcript with the speech to make sure 100 compliance, correctness and completeness
  5. The project manager performs the final checking and delivers the transcript to client
  6. Client’s feedback is requested and any necessary changes are applied to the transcript

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Monolingual Transcription

This is the basic form of transcription that we offer. The source audio or video file contains speech that is in English language, and our native English speaking transcribers will generate the transcripts in accordance with our client’s requirements, our own established set of rules and industry requirements. The English transcript is error free and meets all linguistic and structural requirements that are established in the specification of the project. We can typically turn around 3 to 5 hours of English speech in finalized transcripts per day, with the ability to easily scale up resources and increase productivity.

Multilingual Transcription

Multilingual transcription is the process of generating a transcript in one or more languages from an audio or video source file that contains a foreign language or multiple languages. An example of this would be an audio conversation containing English and Spanish speech which will be transcribed into a monolingual transcript (e.g. English). Multilingual transcription can have the language of the speech as well as a translated transcript, such that one transcript contains both languages in a two column format. We accommodate multilingual transcription in over 200 languages and can deliver the transcripts in a variety of formats.

Great work at great price. TranscriptionLab is my go-to place for all things transcription. Highly recommended.


With a growing team, increasing client demand and a strategic growth initiative, we have beaten our own internal metrics quarter after quarter. We are so obsessed with quality and numbers that we don’t leave any margin for error.









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