
Learn about all language pairs that we give translation service.

Supported Languages

We supported a large number of languages and depending on the availability of resources, we may scale up support as needed. There are certain languages that are considered very rare and difficult to source, but we have established extensive network of linguists and transcribers across the globe to cover 95% of world’s languages with our existing team. New languages are added to our list on a daily basis as we qualify and train new resources.

Besides supporting these languages, we have also developed a unique capability allowing movement of linguistic flow between unusual and rare language combinations. From example, it is quite easy to create an English transcript from an Arabic video file, however, it is not that easy to submit a final and broadcast ready French transcript from Turkish language. It is that unusual and difficult to source language combinations that give us a niche in this market. The following is a list of languages that we commonly work with, however, it may not be up to date given the continuous uptake of new language sets. Please contact us directly to inquire about any specific language(s) that you may need.

Afrikaans Chinese German Kirghiz Persian Tagalog
Albanian Croatian Greek Korean Polish Tajik
Arabic Czech Haitian Latin Portuguese Tatar
Armenian Danish Hindi Latvian Romanian Thai
Azerbaijani Dutch Hungarian Lithuanian Russian Turkish
Bashkir English Icelandic Macedoni Serbian Ukrainian
Basque Estonian Indonesian Malagasy Slovak Urdu
Belarusian Finnish Irish Malay Slovenian Uzbek
Bosnian French Italian Maltese Spanish Vietnamese
Bulgarian Galician Japanese Mongolian Swahili Welsh
Catalan Georgian Kazakh Norwegian Swedish

Multimedia and Multilingual

We deliver print-ready transcripts that satisfies every industry
and provide professional multilingual subtitling service which
global broadcasting standards

Online Translate

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Sworn Translations

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Publication Translation

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Principle of Confidentiality

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Our transcription, subtitling and captioning services are backed by a group of professional linguists with a specific interest in the field of multimedia and broadcast industries. Our collective experience, technology, resources and a network of linguists across 8 timezones, enable us to deliver high quality, low-priced multimedia linguistic services that meet our clients’ most stringent and demanding requirements. Give us a call today for a free quote or to learn more about our services.

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